At Naples Fertilizer, we pride ourselves on being “Champions of Service”. Throughout our long history, customer service has always been our number focus. Whether it’s trying to know each of our customer’s by name or making a speedy free delivery at the drop of a dime, customer service is at the forefront of everything we do. Below is list of a few of the many fine services we provide:
Free Delivery
For over 25 years we have been delivering tons of our many fine products to Southwest Florida homes and jobsites. We offer our free delivery service on all of our products with no minimum order required. Almost 50% of our business is transacted through our free delivery service with 5 trucks covering our 2 county market each day. With & you now have a new way to reach us to set up your Free Delivery!

Free Loaner Spreader
Buy anyone of many fine “spreadable” products and we’ll let you borrow a spreader to apply it! Customers love this feature knowing they don’t have to keep a clunky spreader floating around the garage. We’ll even deliver the loaner spreader with your purchase and pick it up when you are through free of charge
Free Advice and “Walk-In Plant Clinic’’
We are told one of the many reasons our customers love Naples Fertilizer is the one on one service they receive each time they call or come into our stores. Our expert staff loaded with horticultural knowledge and experience is ready to solve any problem you may with regard to your landscape or jobsite. From “what bug is this eating my bougainvillea?” to “how much fertilizer does my palm tree need?”, we are your Landscape Answer Men.
Free Literature
Loaded with an extensive library of flyers and pamphlets on all the topics associated with successful horticulture in our market, customers load up with valuable concise written information each time they visit. Our famous Fertilizer Schedule with get you started, just follow it month to month you’re your landscape with the envy of the neighborhood guaranteed. As you see all our literature is available now at your fingertips as well via Just click away to find what you need.
Landscape Inspections
Throughout our years we have always taken our show on the road going to our wholesale customers’ jobsites and retail customer’s homes to help them diagnose a problem or make recommendations. Sometimes descriptions or samples aren’t quite enough and we want our customers to feel secure knowing that we will stand by them every step of the way.
Throughout the course of the year, Naples Fertilizer will conduct or host many horticultural seminars on a wide variety of interesting topics. We also offer a Spanish speaking problem twice a year. Watch the web-sites for when these great events are scheduled.